Addyson has been attending a kindermusik class and this past week was the last class. She loved going there every week and playing with all the goodies. :) I have signed her up for another class this summer. I love doing activities with her! Next up we will be doing swimming lessons and dance! Oh what fun this age is!! I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!
As far as the Smith Family. We have been keeping busy. We are moving yet again on May 30th. we have moved every year since we lived here. Just can't find the right place. I am hoping our new place will be our home for longer than a yr! I am tired of moving. the only way I will move next year is if we are finally buying. We wanted to wait one more year to decide to buy. It s hard making the decision to buy in Florida when we don't know how long we will live here. so we will see what happens.
Addyson is growing everyday and becoming quite the little girl. She says peeze (please) tank you (thank you) every night before bed she say wuv you peace! :) too funny. she gets up on her stool and brushes her own teeth. She loves to empty the dishwasher and put the silverware up. Just amazing how fast she is learning stuff. I can't believe she is almost 2!
Well everything is great i our household. Hope all is well your way!