Monday, March 2, 2009

Hello all!!

Its been a while since I posted, I guess I just had a lazy week last week. :)

Yesterday we went and visited adams parents in Rutledge Alabama. We knew some of alabama was getting snow but didn't think they would. While it was snowing really hard it never really stuck. so its kinda hard to see it but its there. :) Addyson loved trying to catch it, and we spent a few minutes outside since it was her first snow to see. I wish it would have stuck I could have gotten some great pictures. 

All the family is doing well. Adam and I are on a house hunt. I think we are finally gonna buy here. Prices are great for buyers now, and we are ready for our "OWN" home again. its been rough renting when we owned our own home in Montgomery, so I think we are finally gonna make the step to buying. Thank goodness we didn't buy when we moved here. We looked at the house we wanted to buy when we first moved here and it is over 100,000 dollars less than when we would have bought it. We would be so upside down, so I know now we made the right decision. We just have to find the perfect home for us now.

 Addyson is doing great, she will be 18 months old this week. Where does the time go? I still feel like I just had her. I am beginning to think that feeling never goes away. She is a completly different child since she has started walking. Learning new things everyday. for example we were in Target the other day just walking around and she wondered to the kids shoe area, and picked up some sandals, they happen to be really cute so I said lets try these on baby. She immediatley sits down on the ground un straps her shoes and pulls her socks off!! I was AMAZED I asked where did you learn that? she looks up at me and shrugs her shoulders. lol.... thats just one of many things she has started and it is tooo adorable. 

Well that is all for now. I hope everyone is doing well! Enjoy the pics below!


  1. OH how i wish AG could've seen snow! I snowed so much at my moms house up in AL. That little sweater is TOO adorable and it photographs so well!
